
Special Needs Co-Ordinator in London, Surrey and West Sussex

Making Connections!
It is essential, as a SENDCo, to have good knowledge of and contact with, the professionals who provide services to your area. First base for a SENDCo is the LEA caseworker assigned to the school – they have oversight of children with EHCPs, and access to "Considerations panels" for placement. Each local authority has their […]
The Importance of Sleep!
Many parents find that their children are not sleeping well, or enough. So many factors in the equation: lack of a wind-down routine; too many stimulating foods or drinks late in the evening; too much screen time before (and sometimes in) bed; anxious thoughts…even an uncomfortable mattress, too much or too little light, or room […]
A SENDCOs start of the new school year
This time of year is SO busy for SENDCOs! The new arrivals to Early Years, with transfer of files from Nurseries, and baseline assessments for Speaking, Listening and EAL (English as an Additional Language) takes some time when you have up to 90 new children! Inevitably all schools will have some new teachers starting in […]
Childhood trauma
Childhood trauma underpins much of the mental health issues that are so prevalent in schools with our young people. It affects a child’s well-being – their behaviour, confidence, ability to focus, learn and to make friends. Trauma has many faces – and, in any discussion around a child’s needs, it is essential to consider the […]
Ultra-processed foods and our children’s health
The link between diet and mental health is known – and is  being explored in the media. I have noted in the course of my work that children are increasingly eating a very limited range of foods – mainly what we call “beige” foods (pasta, bread, biscuits, cakes), which do not offer the essential nutrients […]

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