It is essential, as a SENDCo, to have good knowledge of and contact with, the professionals who provide services to your area. First base for a SENDCo is the LEA caseworker assigned to the school – they have oversight of children with EHCPs, and access to "Considerations panels" for placement. Each local authority has their own SEND management “ladder” providing contacts designated above the school’s caseworker. However, all LEAs are overworked and understaffed and, with the best will in the world, are not always able to respond to emails or telephone calls as quick as you might hope. I have never yet met a caseworker who didn’t care deeply about the children on their caseload, or who isn’t overloaded!
Getting to know your local Community Paediatricians is likewise a great help and I like to ask the parent/carer if they would like me to accompany them to appointments for assessment. That way, we are all on the same page - hearing how the child is doing at school, as well as at home. Sometimes it is good to have another person for the parent/carer to check with, after the appointment – what advice was given? What next steps need to be taken? It can be overwhelming at times.
There are so many branches to healthcare services for children in school – Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology, Mental Health, School Nursing, Visual and Hearing Impairment – SENDCos gradually build up a local knowledge of who and what is available. Making connections is a vital part of the job.
If you are looking for some help with contacting professionals, or with wording a letter or email regarding support for your child, contact me at: