
Special Needs Co-Ordinator in London, Surrey and West Sussex

The Importance of Sleep!

Many parents find that their children are not sleeping well, or enough. So many factors in the equation: lack of a wind-down routine; too many stimulating foods or drinks late in the evening; too much screen time before (and sometimes in) bed; anxious thoughts…even an uncomfortable mattress, too much or too little light, or room temperature too high. It helps to have a good chat about what bedtime looks like for your child, and what you can do to try to improve the quality and quantity of their sleep (and therefore of yours, too!).

Sleep is fundamental to development and a lack of sleep can impact hugely on a child's ability to focus, retain information as well as affecting their general health.

A fantastic organisation that offers advice and information for parents, and training for those seeking more in-depth knowledge  is:

A great book for those keen on reading (but don't let it keep you awake...) - "Why We Sleep", Matthew Walker, Penguin Random House, 2018

If you would like to talk over your child's sleep routine, and draw up a plan together, please contact me on

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